Our Duty is to Serve Those Who Serve the Nation.

As a nonprofit organization, Friends of U.S. Military Families, Inc., raises funds to support the military community and their families, including those currently serving on active duty, wounded warriors, and organizations that provide assistance to veterans. Because of the generous support of our founding affiliate, Grow Financial Federal Credit Union, Friends of U.S. Military Families is able to donate the majority of the money it raises to help our heroes in need.

We need your help to continue our mission.

Please help us serve the needs of our heroes by becoming a member today! We will use your membership to further assist the needs of the military families we serve.

Generals Hot Sauce - Friends of US Military Families 3-pack

Please help support the FUSMF by purchasing a 3-pack of hot sauce from the Generals Hot Sauce. A percentage of each 3-pack will be donated back to our non-profit, and in turn to our veterans.

Annual Meeting Update: Our next Annual Meeting date will be announced soon.